Applying for the National Honor Society
Applications to join the National Honor Society for current JUNIORS are now CLOSED. Applications will briefly re-open for seniors only in the fall of 2026.
Requirements for rising seniors:
- You must have an UNWEIGHTED G.P.A of 3.0 or higher
- You must have completed 15 service hours in addition to at least 1 of the 2 projects required for graduation to apply. Paid work, volunteering at a family owned job, interning, grading papers for a teacher, and some other activities do not count as service hours. When in doubt, email [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected] to check.
- Click here for some nearby and virtual opportunities for service hours; you can also check with your local library, the Chicago park district, and your ward's alderman/alderwoman. Keep track of any email confirmations for your volunteering, or download a service learning timesheet on this site.
Why join NHS?
- Looks great on a college application
- Practice leadership and service for the school and outside community
- You'll be representing Mather at school events
BONUS: You will wear a white gown at graduation